What a night to remember, after some thirty one years as a member, office bearer and mason, Bro Robert (Rab) Stewart was well and truly installed into the chair of king Solomon in his mother lodge on 9th December 2022. The ceremony was exceptionally carried out by Bro Mark Nevin PM, first time as Installing Master and by stalwart Bro David Watt PM. The lodge room was filled to capacity and with happy smiling brethren, enjoying our fraternity once again. The speeches were very poignant, short and hit the spot every time, non more so than the reply to the office bearers and brethren by one of the younger office bearers Bro Ross Funston SD. Our latest member, Bro Gault took up the office of BB and shows much promise in our fraternity. Bro Artiste's filled the air with song, followed by the warmest of applause for their efforts. Bro Stewart was especially pleased with the attendance of many visitors from the airts and pairts of all over Scotland, some participating in the evenings proceedings, especially from Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow. The family connection was completed when Bro Stewart's wife Angie and Bro Watt's wife Joan took charge of the bar during the dinner, and served us all very efficiently throughout the evening. The festival of St John was brought to a close on the stroke of midnight, by the brethren signing Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem and all left the lodge quietly, whilst the village lay asleep.
January 2025
CategoriesAuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho. |