It is the time of year when the Brethren rejoice, and sing carols of praise in resounding voice.
Days of merriment and long nights of cheer, as we all await the “Happy New Year!”. It is a time of family and life long friends, a time of happiness and to make amends. Roast turkey and baubles and the Nutcracker Suite, we each have our own way to make Christmas complete. As we stroll through this happy month of December find time to pause and take time to remember that distinguishing sign of a Freemason’s heart — those acts of Charity. How great they are. As your family gathers ’round your Christmas tree, and the children play with giggles of glee, spare a thought for the poor, the man with no shoes, whose daily meal is less than your dues. Remember also the Grand Lodge above, and the Supreme Great Architect’s act of love. And practise those virtues we hold so true. Have some fun! But let Temperance chasten you. And during this season of peace and joy look well to our future — the girl and boy. Then wonder what lessons you may them teach, and with your guidance what heights they may reach. So, to all of my Brethren from far and wide, whether your Christmas be snow, or hot and dry, may the Great Architect grant his celestial boon and keep your good health ’til we meet again soon. Take care of yourself and those you find dear. Keep this festive spirit throughout the next year. Look toward your next date with our happy band. Wishing all the brethren of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho No85 a very merry Xmas and happy new year. All the best and stay safe Bro Colin W Grieve RWM
In light of the precarious and diminishing situation with Covid, the exponentially increasing numbers of the Omicron variant of Covid, the restrictions announced by the Scottish Government this afternoon, the Master of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho 85, Bro Colin W Grieve after consultation with the PGM has reluctantly and pragmatically decided to cancel the January Lodge meetings and aim for a restart with the General Committee meeting 2nd of February 2022.
In addition as the peak of the Omicron variant has not occurred as yet, the numbers of cases doubling is now down to1.5 days in parts, notwithstanding the respective R number being above 3, it is likely at this stage, that the 3 week period will be extended in the new year. We will continue to monitor this closely and advise you accordingly. |
January 2025
CategoriesAuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho. |