On the evening of Friday 30th November 2018 the masters of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho no 85 Bro Mark Nevin, Lodge Kirkliston Maitland no 482 Bro Gordon Yeoman and Lodge St Margaret no 548 worked the 'RATHKIRKFERRY' degree. A second degree conferred on Bro Euan Campbell of Lodge Kirkliston Maitland no 482. It is the first time the degree has been carried out since 1990 when it was last held by Lodge Kirkliston Maitland no 482, Bro John Anderson RWM 548 being the candidate on that evening. It was a very historical evening for all 3 lodges cementing the already close ties of the 3 lodges together. Both Bro Gordon Yeoman and Bro John Anderson are honorary members of Lodge Kirknewton and Rath no 85 which made the evening that little more special. We received deputations from Lodge Kirkliston Maitland no 482, Lodge St Margaret no548, Lodge Tay and Lyon no 276, Lodge St Andrews Livingston Station no 1587 and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire. A cheque was presented to the lodge by RWM of Lodge Tay and Lyon no 276 Bro Mike Carry for the Sum of £276.00 to show their gratitude to RWM Bro Mark Nevin for helping them update their Past Masters Board at very short notice for their bi-centenary celebrations. ST ANDREWS DAY HARMONY At the conclusion of the meeting the brethren were treated to a lovely bowl of Scotch Broth kindly made by Mrs Margret Ann Potter, wife of Past Master Bro Bob Potter. Everyone was then thoroughly entertained by our talented list of artists with their Scottish Harmony Coordinated by stand Director of Music, Past Master Bro Bob Scott .
January 2025
CategoriesAuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho. |