Bro Mark Nevin PM had the great honour to address the Haggis at the Festival of St Andrew in front of a packed O2 academy in Edinburgh on the 28th November, which followed the installation of Bro W Ramsay McGhee as Grand Master Mason.
Bro Ian Harrower took a well deserved bow on Friday 8th November after such a tumultuous and eventful year in the chair of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho No.85. It all started so well in December, but by the end of February the master had to preside over and engineer some massive decisions by the Lodge. Decisions that resulted in a major shift in operating strategy of the Lodge, the building put up for sale and preparations made to become a tenant Lodge in other premises and on a different meeting night. "Bro Harrower can be proud of what he has achieved during his year in office, very proud, very proud", said the Master Elect in a toast to the Master on Friday's Regular meeting. The Lodge was filled with numerous visiting brethren from all over Scotland, some as far flung such as Ballingry, Bonnyrigg and as near as our sister Lodges from the metropoles of MidCalder, Fauldhouse and the Ferry. St Margaret No.548 South Queensferry, originally sponsored by 85, brought a very distinguished deputation and to mark the historic occasion presented the Lodge with an engraved decanter suitably inscribed to record in history the last regular meeting and degree by the Lodge in the Dalmahoy Road premises, our home for the last 54 years. Bro McMaster paid tribute to the humongous amount of visiting that Bro Harrower had completed during his term, nothing short of 130 reported visitations, equating to some 73% of the time in the masonic season spent visiting hundred's other Lodges. It was also acknowledged that Bro Harrower during this term completed the return of the HM jewels and medals to the Lodges and Provinces belonging to his dearest friend and Brother, the late Bro Jack Wallis PM, which was a very emotional journey, reminiscing return to all the respective lodges. Bro Harrower, wiping away his tears and acknowledging the tremendous support from Liz and the girls, can now sit back and reflect on an excellent year as Master of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho No.85.
November 2024
CategoriesAuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho. |