Brethren from 85 attended historic Ye Ludge of Melrose 1bis Installation, Sat 25th June 202226/6/2022 Four past masters of Kirknewton and Ratho 85; Bro's Scott, Harrower, Nevin and Potter, maintained the traditional sojourn to lodge Melrose St John 1bis in their June meeting on Saturday 25th, further cementing the ties between the lodges. 85 and 1bis have been exchanging visitations for decades and this meeting, post covid, recorded a break in a 300 year tradition of holding the annual installation on a day other than on St John's day (27th December). Even a planned and an unplanned medical excursion did not curtail the brethren making the visitation. Bro Brian W Lawson was installed as the master of Melrose St John 1bis in a packed Corn Exchange by Bro George Donnelly, Past Master of Lodge St. Ebbe No. 70 and a Past Provincial Grand Master of the Province of East Lothian & Berwickshire, along with Bro. Duncan Taylor, Past Master. Likewise, in another break of tradition, the annual Masons' walk to and from Melrose Abbey, took place in daylight hours, negating the need for the infamous and perhaps perilous wax torch lights! A thoroughly enjoyable day out was had by all. see The Lodge of Melrose St John No 1bis
During late June, PM Bro Bob Potter created a driveway stall for 300+ plants to give away for FREE: Tomatoes, Chillies (Cayenne), Sweet Peppers, Lobelia, Calendula, etc. At the same time he made available Information Leaflets and badges on behalf of Prostate Scotland Voluntary donations received realised the magnificent sum of £300 for the Grand Lodge of Scotland, "Make it a million" appeal for Prostate Scotland. Many thanks for all your support and your generous donations.
January 2025
CategoriesAuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho. |