Well we've worked our last meeting of the first half of the year and are now in the close season. And what a way to finish. 66 signed the tyle with four deputations and 8 visiting reigning masters in attendance to witness Bro. Kenneth McMaster pm advance Bro. Andy Anderson, one of our "young team" to the honourable degree of Mark Master. Nice to see Andy's father (a MM of Lodge 636) also in attendance. A well worked degree followed by a full Harmony board, with our usual fayre of homemade soup, songs, toasts, replies and of course some corny jokes. Although our next meeting is not until 9th September, we won't be idle. We have deputations to Trinity Trinity 885 next week, Melrose St John No1bis in June and to Lodge Middlesex 1628 in Jamaica in July.
From the RWM and all the brethren, have a warm, relaxing summer and we'll hope to see you all again in September.
The Lodge is holding a race night on Saturday 17th September 7:30pm. £5 entry includes stovies. All Welcome. Tickets now on sale.
Some Brethren from our near neighbours Kirkliston Maitland 482, St Margaret 548 and ourselves, including all three Masters made the trip to Colchester to attend meetings at St Oysth's Priory 2063 and Ostrea Lodge 8209. The Friday evening was beautifully captured in an email received the following morning:
Unfortunately, there isn't a place in the Minutes to describe last night's Festive Board and to recount the enjoyment of Freemasonry that our Scottish 'cousins' brought to the table. The response from the Visitors followed by the Scots rising as one and singing the 'Merry Masons' song with such feeling was absolutely brilliant. Their generosity in donating a beautifully crafted Gavel to our Lodge (which the W.M. has asked should be used on the WM pedestal from now on), a bottle of Scotch ( which I have suggested should be placed on the SW pedestal with effect from October) and a sum of £140.00 to the Building Fund which had only been announced during the meeting was indeed fantastic. They came to our Lodge and wanted to enjoy themselves. They sat amongst us rather than staying in a group. They wanted to be friends and they certainly left as friends and I know they will be warmly welcomed back. Below is us enjoying pre-meeting drinks courtesy of the Lodge Tyler. ![]() Posted on Saturday 14th December 2013.
Posted on Saturday 14th December 2013. Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho’s annual Burns Supper will take place on Saturday 25 January 2014 at 7pm and tickets are available now from our Substitute Master, Bro Alan Banks and our RWM, Bro Ian Harrower. The principle speaker on that occasion will Bro Jim McGregor, RWM, Lodge Blackridge 1145. This event has been a fantastic success for Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho and you will be assured of a great night with us.
Posted by Brother A Banks SM on Wednesday 18th June 2014.
7th June what a day. We cast off with the sun shining and the drinks flowing and ended up with the rain. Sorry to report the weather beat us and after a sturdy attempt we had to give in to the elements and hot tail it back to the lodge to continue the festivities. Not however before RWM Ian Harrower handed over the magnificent sum of £318 to David Mieras of The Seagull Trust - and thanks to all for contributing. Congratulations to pm Davy Watt - best dressed pirate and Elaine Combe wife of RWM Andrew (548) for winning the music quiz. Posted by Brother R Potter, PM on Monday 11th November 2013.
On Saturday night it was my turn to host the brethren of Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho for a come dine with us evening, which was a fantastic evening, good fun and entertainment, culminating in a stupendous sum of £429 being raised for the PGM's appeal. Many thanks to all that Dined with us last night, survived the fireworks and to everyone that contributed and helped. A special thank you to Margaret-Ann for providing the Greek cuisine, superb. Posted on Wednesday 9th October 2013.
Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho will be holding a 70's & 80's Disco Party on Saturday 26th October 2013 from 7:30pm until 12:30pm A Fine Face Lift for the Lodge
Posted by Brother R Potter,PM on Monday 9th September 2013. Over the close season Brother Mark Nevin has completed our new Past Master boards as well as repainting the Eye and touching up our Centrepiece The work Brother Nevin has done is amazing and we look forward to sharing it with our members and visitors at our upcoming Regular Meeting on Friday. Why fine dine, when you can come dine with the brethren of 85
Posted by Brother K McMaster on Monday 29th July 2013. When Brother Alan Banks, WSW and his good lady Elaine extended a warm and a cordial invitation to many of the brethren of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho, 85 to come dine with them, the winner was only ever going to be the fund raising efforts of our Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother Robert Scott and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire. As brethren of 85 and their good ladies assembled for the planned festivities of good food, drinks, the fun and games was kicked off with a glass of champers donated by Bro Scott and his good lady Mags. As the brethren enjoyed the excellent spread provided by Bro Banks and his Wife, Elaine; Joan Watt, Wife of the Bro David Watt PM 85 was victorious in the games of day. The thanks of the Lodge go to Bro Allan Stewart for organising the games. Brother Rod Hill, master mason of 85 then took up the raffle after which many prizes where won by the brethren of the lodge, the principal prize being won by Bro. Mervyn Innes PM 85, President of Stewards. Bro Innes then graciously auctioned his prize of a bottle of fine whisky which raised the very fine sum of £13.50. This auspicious occasion was further enhanced by the attendance of the Lodge's oldest Past Master Bro. George Tyler. The charitable collection uplifted by Bro. Banks raised the very fine of sum of £360.00 which our Right Worshipful Master, Bro. Ian Harrower had the great pleasure in presenting to Bro. Robert Scott, Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master. In a most eloquent reply Bro. Scott mentioned that Bro Banks had been the first as well as his Commissioned Office Bearers to take up his idea of a Come Dine With Me fundraising event and placed on record his thanks to Bro Banks and his Wife, Elaine for a great day which had been enjoyed by the brethren of the lodge. Our Right Worshipshipful Provincial Grand Master as well as the brethren of Lodge Kirknewton and Ratho 85 would like to tender a very warm and sincere vote of thanks to Bro. Alan Banks and his Wife, Elaine, for their excellent efforts on behalf of the fundraising of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Linlithgowshire. |
January 2025
CategoriesAuthorA diary of up-to-date news and events at Lodge Kirknewton & Ratho. |